युक्ती हीने विचारे तु धर्महानि प्रजायते

Guest Lecture on Human Civilization, Sustainable Environment and Present Society

The guest lecture on ‘Human Civilization, Sustainable Environment and Present Society was organised by Centre for Regulatory Studies, Governance and Public Policy, WBNUJS on 18th of August 2022. The lecture was delivered by Prof. (Dr). Amitava Das, Professor, Department of Chemical Sciences (DCS), Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Kolkata and graced by Prof. (Dr). Nirmal Kanti Chakrabarti (Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, WBNUJS); Smt. Sikha Sen (Acting Registrar, WBNUJS); Dr. Jayanta Ghosh (Head and Research Fellow, CRSGPP, WBNUJS); Dr. Manik Chakraborty (Professor), Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Tiwari (Professor), Dr. Jayanta Kumar Saha (Professor). Dr. Das focused on the immediate issues pertaining to environment and deliberated upon the interface between science, judiciary and society while addressing the issues. He focused on the link between Environmental Footprint Indicators and Planetary Boundary and states the nine boundaries that human beings must respect to keep the habitat of earth intact.
Secondly, Dr. Das elaborated on the process of Eutrophication which is a process of pollution causing and the loss of biodiversity because of trade across the globe. Through scientific findings, data analysis and usage of artificial intelligence and finally the implementation of policy regulated by government agencies, will help in addressing the environmental concerns.
He focused on the role of policy implementation is crucial for effecting the changes for a sustainable society; role of a regulatory bodies to check the compliance to the sustainable program and lastly the role of good governance to foster the good practices for an all-inclusive sustainable growth, provide a conducive ecosystem, resources for implementation of sustainable programs and to provide the legal protection to the regulatory body for effective implementation of the policies. Lastly, the lecture focused on the education in chemistry developing in a manner which inculcates principles of sustainability and responsibility.
The final vote of thanks was delivered by Prof. (Dr). Nirmal Kanti Chakrabarti (Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, WBNUJS).