युक्ती हीने विचारे तु धर्महानि प्रजायते

About the Centre

It is but a matter of fact that, the post-globalised new millennium has indeed evolved into an inextricable knowledge and information driven economy. With such truly massive strides being made in all avenues of science & technology in this closer, more-interconnected and often intimately interdependent new world, – the ethos of sharing of knowledge, views, ideas and opinions has not only come to assume an increasingly vital role in positively influencing the culture of thought, but indeed in constructively reshaping the very intellectual zeitgeist of the day.
It is in keeping with the above realities of this brave new milieu that we find ourselves in, and informed by the often sobering challenges thrown out by a myriad global conundrums and crises – that the Centre for Technology & Law at the WBNUJS Kolkata aims to contribute to the global conversation. Accordingly, the Centre shall strive towards adopting a critical interdisciplinary approach in order to ensure that ideas, views, arguments and opinions are not only culled from the spectrum of legal academia, but carefully curated from across all avenues of scholarship, industry, art, and all relevant entrepreneurial pursuits, so as to put forth a uniquely holistic point of view – underpinned by our core conviction that sharing and collaboration in thought, deed and spirit are indeed the keywords that shall succeed in driving this new decade forward.
Towards this end, our Centre looks forward to serving not just as a platform for launching new initiatives reaching out to assist and to learn from the vast and multi-faceted horizon of scientific and artistic endeavours, – but to also eventually blossom into a mother-ship and an incubator of an exciting, optimistic and forward-thinking home for crucial, locally and globally relevant interdisciplinary research and scholarship within this domain.

Structure of the Centre